Qualiko. Balance your life!

From Field to Plate

Qualiko is Quality

Because Taste Matters


Animal welfare

Qualiko brand deeply cares about the well-being of our animals. That’s why we follow the strict standards of GLOBAL S.L.P. to ensure our chickens are raised in safe, healthy, and comfortable environments. Our birds are given plenty of space, nutritious food, and the best care to keep them healthy and stress-free. By following these high standards, we make sure that our chickens are treated with respect and kindness throughout their lives. When you choose Qualiko, you can feel confident that our products come from a brand that truly values animal welfare and quality.

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Animal welfare

Halal certificate

The company slaughters poultry according to Islamic Law under the permanent control and supervision of representatives of the HALAL Certification and Research Center.

Adherence to Halal standards prevents any possible contamination or accumulation of harmful substances in chicken meat.

This makes our chicken suitable for consumption by Muslims, and guarantees the highest quality and safety of our products.

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Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

Produced in Ukraine

Ukraine has the ideal nature to raise healthy chickens. Located in the
heart of Europe, it boasts vast green areas and arguably the best soils
in the world to grow crops. This ensures a balanced, natural diet for our

Moreover, an advantageous location and sophisticated logistics ensure
the shortest possible delivery time from our factories to your store.

That is why Qualiko chicken is always fresh, tasty and good for all the

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Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

Balanced feeds for our chickens

MHP cultivates 370,000 hectares of rich black soil in Ukraine. We grow corn, sunflower, wheat, rapeseed, and soybean.

Corn and sunflower seeds are used at our own plants in feed  production. Our own grain production satisfies 100% of the company’s corn and 26% of its sunflower needs.

Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

Highest quality standards

All MHP enterprises have introduced integrated food safety management
systems, which adhere to the highest international standards.

BRC certifitaction guarantees standardization of quality, safety and operational
procedures of our enterprises to ensure the best poultry.

Production of Qualiko chicken is a fully integrated process. This means
that we implement quality control at every stage of production. Learn more

Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

GMO Free

From the seed through the growing process and harvest, MHP had worked
along with an independent and competent government authority to certify
and verify its non-GMO status.

All the company’s poultry products are compliant with all legal requirements
relating to the labeling and traceability of GMO’s.

Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

Great choice for all the family

Qualiko is a smart choice for those who strive to provide the best for
their families, because it cares about customers’ health and well-being.

World-class quality and a completely natural composition make Qualiko
chicken perfect for the whole family.

Rich taste and a wide variety of cooking options mean that Qualiko chicken
is suitable both for a quick lunch and a festive dinner.

Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

Balanced feeds for our chickens

High-quality feeds are fundamental for raising a healthy chicken. MHP
cultivates 370,000 hectares of rich black soil to grow crops used in fodder
production. 100% of chicken feeds are produced at MHP’s own plants.

Our specialists develop balanced recipes for chickens of varying ages,
containing the full range of vitamins, microelements, and other nutrients.

We feed our chickens with corn, wheat, sunflower, rapeseed, and pure water.

Journey from field to plate


Journey from field to plate

Good for your health

Chicken is an essential part of a balanced diet.

Its lean meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which helps
maintain a healthy body weight. Chicken keeps you full longer and therefore
prevents binge eating.

Chicken meat is also abundant in the vitamins and micronutrients you need
for healthy teeth and bones, and for the proper functioning of the kidneys,
liver, heart, and central nervous system.